
Perusall Screenshot

Perusall is a social annotation tool used to make texts and reading assignments more collaborative. Students annotate directly on the readings, articles or any other document used in the course. Students interact with each other by posing and responding to questions, identifying important sections of the readings for all to see, and by liking each other’s comments. In addition, students' posts will be auto-scored in the Perusall assignment and sync to the Canvas gradebook.

Perusall can be used with a variety of content, ebooks, articles, EPUB, Word documents, and videos.
It can be used to interact with more than course content material. Try discussing your syllabus, an assignment rubric to clarify questions or misinterpretations.

Perusall auto-scores students annotations using an algorithm; however, you as an instructor can override these scores. Familiarize yourself with the guides in “Threshold Scoring” and “Overriding the Perusall Scores”.

For support, please contact or visit