
Posted on July 28, 2020

Serena Thidasongsavanh是美国卫生大学医院急诊科的一名护士. 与美国其他学术医疗中心相比, 大学医院急诊科处理一些最复杂和最具挑战性的病例,需要最高水平的护理.  data-lightbox='featured'
Serena Thidasongsavanh是美国卫生部急诊科的护士 大学医院. 与美国其他学术医疗中心相比, 大学医院急诊科处理一些最复杂和 具有挑战性的病例需要最高水平的护理.

#我的第一份工作是一个关注十大彩票网投平台2020届毕业生的系列节目 who are beginning their careers.

工作仅仅一个月后,Serena Thidasongsavanh已经学会了生活的节奏 在美国健康中心做夜班急诊室护士 大学医院.


“当下发生的事情太多了,你甚至都没来得及处理,”该大学表示 of 南 Alabama graduate. “在那里的肾上腺素让我保持警觉.”

Sometimes it slows down.

“当人们进来的时候,这是非常压倒性的,但通常会有一个平静 3 a.m.,” said the 22-year-old. “Then it gets busy again in the morning.”

Sometimes it’s hard to gear down. Thidasongsavanh will work day shifts, too, during 她的训练. 这是她在大学医院学习的一部分,相比之下 与其他学术医疗中心,急诊科处理一些 最复杂和最具挑战性的病例需要最高水平的护理.

“每天在急诊室,我都会看到一些新的东西,”她说. “那么快的节奏, you know, I’ve always been 那 kind of person. I feel like I thrive in 那 kind 的环境.”

Thidasongsavanh often goes by her first name, Serena; her last name is difficult for 要发音的人. Pro tip: the first H is silent. “Tee-duh-song-duh-von” is about 正确的.

“People say all kinds of things,” she said, laughing. “It’s usually not very close.”

Thidasongsavanh’s parents are from Laos and Cambodia. 她的 mother is in sales. 她的 father works in a nail salon. Their daughter is the first college graduate in the 家庭.

“They’re very proud of me,” she said. “My dad brags about me to all of his clients.”

在蒙哥马利,Thidasongsavanh就读于Brewbaker Technology Magnet School has a medical academy. 她 got a head start on her career in nursing.

“这绝对是进入大学的一大优势,”她说. “我学到了很多 我14岁的时候就开始学习医疗保健和医学术语.”

护理学院, a rigorous curriculum tested her commitment. 学生 at 南 take pride in working through long hours of study and practical training.

“这让我思考未来,并问自己这是否是我想做的,”她说. “It was a big reality check. You have to keep pushing through it. 最后, 我弄清楚了我想做什么,我的激情是什么.”

十大彩票网投平台,她在学生宿舍住了一年,然后搬进了公寓. 她 joined the Student Nurses Association. 她 also worked part-time.

在Alabama Outdoors商店,Thidasongsavanh向徒步旅行者和露营者出售装备. At 在学生活动中心,她在前台欢迎同学们. 下班后,她 抽出时间去举重,在游泳池见朋友. The coronavirus pandemic interrupted 那 routine.

“娱乐中心应该会在几周后重新开放,”她说. “我很兴奋 那.”

 五月从十大彩票网投平台毕业后,Thidasongsavanh找了一份护理方面的工作. 她 wanted to work in an emergency room. 她 decided to stay in Mobile.

“It’s a big city, but not too big,” she said. “I like going downtown during the day. I love the art and the murals all over the place. Going to all the shops is fun.”

在急诊室里,Thidasongsavanh穿着跑鞋来减轻压力 她的身体. Sometimes she works 16-hour shifts. Energy and enthusiasm help her make it through the night.

在她职业生涯的后期,她会考虑回到研究生院. 她喜欢 成为年轻护理学生临床讲师的想法.

As a young nurse, she’s happy with her career choice. Thidasongsavanh works with a half-dozen other recent 南 graduates. They share the emergency department with many older colleagues. Everyone wears royal blue scrubs. Later this year, they are scheduled to move into the new Fanny Meisler Trauma Center, the only Level 1 trauma center in the area.

“We’re always working as a team,” she said. “There’s always someone there with you, and my coworkers feel like 家庭.”

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