USA 校董会 Selects Jo 邦纳 as University 总统


Former Congressman Jo 邦纳, who serves as chief of staff to Alabama 政府. 凯艾维, was selected as the fourth president of the 十大彩票网投平台. 他会 introduced formally at the 校董会' next regular meeting, scheduled for 12月. 2. data-lightbox =“特色”
Former Congressman Jo 邦纳, who serves as chief of staff to Alabama 政府. 凯艾维, was selected as the fourth president of the 十大彩票网投平台. 他会 introduced formally at the 校董会' next regular meeting, scheduled for 12月. 2.

Former Congressman Jo 邦纳, who represented Alabama’s First District in the U.S. House of Representatives for six terms and currently serves as Chief of 工作人员 to Alabama 政府. 凯艾维, will be the fourth president of the 十大彩票网投平台, the 美国董事会今天宣布.

“We are tremendously pleased that our comprehensive national search has resulted in 将奥巴马先生带上法庭的决定. 邦纳成为美国历史上第四任总统 the University,” said Jimmy Shumock, chair pro tempore of the USA 校董会. “Mr. 邦纳 is a proven innovator, a skilled administrator and a respected, admired 也是我们州有影响力的领袖. 在他的领导下,我们期待着继续 elevation of the 十大彩票网投平台’s reputation as a leading academic, research 医疗机构.”

The 校董会 voted in a special meeting today to select Mr. 邦纳作为总统, pending successful completion of a final employment agreement. 董事会将正式 介绍并欢迎先生. 邦纳在定于12月6日举行的下次例会上说. 2.

“I am deeply honored by the strong vote of confidence by the 校董会, and I am grateful for the significant input and contributions of many different individuals and constituencies that were a part of this search process,” said 邦纳. ” coming days and weeks, I look forward to working with the Board members to better understand their timetable and expectations for helping to move the University of 南阿拉巴马更上一层楼. 显然有很多成功和动力 建立在什么基础上. 然而,今天,我仍然深感谦卑.”

在他目前的职位上. 邦纳管理着35名行政人员,负责监督 21 cabinet agencies and departments administering a total state budget of more than 260亿美元. His role includes the development of the 政府ernor’s strategic policy agenda and communications, working with leaders of the Alabama Legislature, the business 社区,众多的倡导团体以及公众.

“There are few people who know the State of Alabama as well as Jo 邦纳,” said Alexis Atkins, chair of the 18-member 总统 搜索 Committee that recommended Mr. 邦纳 作为最后的候选人. 他的领导经验和对国家的了解 the region, along with the relationships he has built throughout his distinguished career, will greatly benefit the growth and improvement of the University of 南 阿拉巴马在未来的岁月里.”

In addition to his decade in elected office and service in the governor’s office, Mr. 邦纳 previously held the position of Vice Chancellor for Economic Development 从2013年到2018年在阿拉巴马大学系统工作.  在他的最后一年 UAS, he was as an executive on loan, serving as Interim Executive Director of the 塔斯卡卢萨县工业发展局. 

1985年至2000年,他被选为国会议员. 邦纳担任的职务是 Chief of 工作人员, Executive Assistant and Press Secretary to U.S. 代表桑尼 卡拉汉. 

Mr. 邦纳 has received numerous awards and honors, including a 2020 induction into the Alabama Academy of Honor, the state’s premiere recognition of 100 living Alabamians 表彰他们的杰出成就和服务. 2016年,工商理事会 Alabama (BCA) created the inaugural “Congressman Jo 邦纳 精神 of Leadership Award” 并授予邦纳为第一位获奖者.  2013年,他获得杰出奖 公共服务奖是美国政府的最高荣誉.S. 海军是平民的恩赐.  他还 received the 2012 “政府ernor Bob Riley Building a Better Alabama Award” by the BCA.

Mr. 邦纳得了B.A. 1982年获得阿拉巴马大学新闻学学位.  He is married to the former Janée Lambert, of Mobile, and they are the parents of 26岁的女儿李和23岁的儿子罗宾斯.  


