Keep Calm and Carry Credit Wisely: 8 Shopping Survival Tips

Posted on November 22, 2016

Dr. 里德卡明斯, 十大彩票网投平台米切尔商学院房地产和经济发展中心主任, 说在假期里获得经济上成功的最好方法是制定一个好的计划, 然后坚持下去.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 里德·卡明斯是房地产和经济发展中心的主任 十大彩票网投平台米切尔商学院的教授说,这是最好的方法 要想在假期中获得经济上的成功,就要制定一个好的计划,然后 坚持下去.

传统上,黑色星期五开启了一年中最美妙的时光,但它可以 同时也会带来经济压力,这种压力会比节日的快乐持续更久.

虽然为配偶、孩子买完美的礼物感到压力是很自然的, 或者父母,同样的压力不必延伸到你名单上的每个人.

那么,你如何才能度过又一个假日购物季,并以最少的钱逃离呢 经济上的挫折?

据博士说. 里德卡明斯, director of the Center for Real Estate and Economic Development十大彩票网投平台米切尔商学院学习,这是最好的方法 要想在假期获得经济上的成功,就要制定一个好的计划,然后坚持下去 它.

“假日购物压力也许不是完全不可避免的,但这是完全可能的 to reduce your holiday financial stress,” Cummings said.

卡明斯提供了这些专业的生存建议,可能是最好的节日礼物 季节:

  1. 制定一个合理、现实的假日购物预算,并坚持执行.
    在不知道自己能花多少钱的情况下逛商场或在网上购物 on gifts for the people on your list is a terrible idea. Without a 预算, you will 倾向于花太多钱买大多数东西,只会绝望地尖叫 当你把事情加起来.
  2. Set limits for the number of people on your list.
    人们想把礼物送给最重要的人是很正常的 他们.  It is not necessary, however, to give everyone a gift. 如果你觉得被强迫 给你的屠夫、干洗店、理发师、同事、老板或任何人送一份礼物 else other than your family and closest friends — then set limits. 通过设定限制 提前决定你要给谁,花多少钱,你会 feel more in control of your holiday spending.
  3. 明智地使用信用.
    使用信用卡是可以的,但这是有代价的,还有你的节后财务状况 当信用卡账单在周末前到达你的邮箱时,压力会大大增加 新年来临. If you must use credit, wisely incorporate its use into your 预算. 就像你给购物清单上的人数设限一样,你也要设限 on how much debt you are willing to carry into the New Year.
  4. 组织.
    Shopping wisely is as important as spending wisely. Waiting until Christmas Eve to 在疯狂的购买中四处奔波听起来很有趣,但压力只是完成 购物通常会对你不利,导致你花的钱远远超过你的预算 计划. Use your time wisely and organize your holiday shopping. 你可能会 spend far less, and have far more fun.
  5. 保持专注.
    零售商和他们雇佣的广告商是引诱你购买任何东西的专家 他们在销售. Don’t be fooled by all the specials and decorations. 如果你坚持 按照你的计划,你将有更大的机会保持在预算之内. 熊在 mind though, sometimes others can get to you as well. Your family members, friends, 当同事提到最酷的礼物时,他们经常会给你施加压力 刚给某人买的. Again, do not be fooled, or persuaded. 保持专注和坚持 你的计划.
  6. 保持冷静.
    假日购物可以把人们最坏的一面展现出来——在收银机的两边. 尽量不要让别人的粗鲁、傲慢,甚至是愤怒影响到你 为了完成你的购物,你冲去买你找到的第一件东西. 如果你这样做了,你很可能会花比你计划的更多的钱,并以失败告终 upset with yourself for letting others get to you. By remaining calm and smiling often, you will feel better, and you may save money to boot.
  7. Dealing with surprise gifts.
    Sometimes, someone not on your list will surprise you with a gift. 你的第一反应 很可能你必须回报他们,然后你冲出去给他们买礼物. Doing so will eat into your time and knock your 预算 out of whack. 相反,反应 by sending a note that you have donated to a good cause in their name. 量 you give is less important than the gesture. Your donation will honor their gift to you, and will do others some good at the same time.
  8. Enjoy yourself and give grace.
    Each of us has many reasons to give thanks. It is true though, that at one time or another, certain situations can present difficulty and cause anxiety. 而理解 this might happen, always remember the reason for the season. 尽你最大的努力 享受时间,用最真诚的善良和最爱的优雅对待他人. It will give you balance that impacts everything you do.

里德·卡明斯在房地产开发,租赁, 管理、经纪、财务咨询、抵押贷款和建筑服务. 在全职加入美国大学之前,卡明斯是金融学的客座讲师 and real estate in the Mitchell College of Business. He earned his DBA, MBA, and bachelor’s 获得肯尼索州立大学、莫比尔大学和芝加哥大学的学位 North Carolina at Chapel Hill, respectively. 他是……的主任 Center for Real Estate and Economic Development, which next year will sponsor seminars on personal finances.



