

神经学家博士. 凯文·古斯凯维奇,全国公认的体育相关专家 他将于下午两点在美国秋季毕业典礼上发表演讲.m. 12月12日星期六. 9,在美国米切尔中心. data-lightbox =“特色”
神经学家博士. 凯文·古斯凯维奇,全国公认的体育相关专家 他将于下午两点在美国秋季毕业典礼上发表演讲.m. 周六, 12月. 9,在美国米切尔中心.

神经学家博士. 凯文·古斯凯维奇,全国公认的体育相关专家 concussions and dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of North 教堂山的卡罗莱纳,将带来美国秋天 毕业典礼 下午两点的地址.m. 12月12日星期六. 在米切尔中心.

南 is scheduled to award 654 bachelor’s 度, 722 master’s 度 and 152 doctoral 度. 三名候选人将获得双学位. 秋天的毕业典礼就是毕业典礼 exercise for students who completed degree requirements in either the summer or fall 条款.

美国将从下午2点开始直播颁奖典礼.m. 有关大学的 网站, jinshanxia.net. Recorded video of the entire commencement will be available online at the same address 跟随网络直播.

Dr. 凯文Guskiewicz

Using both laboratory and on-the-field data, Guskiewicz was one of the first researchers to identify the long-term effects of multiple concussions, including cognitive impairment and depression in later life, through large-scale epidemiological studies of retired 职业足球运动员.

Recognizing the inadequacy of traditional concussion screening tools, which relied primarily on an athlete’s self-report of symptoms, Guskiewicz demonstrated that postural control, or balance, serves especially well as an objective measure in the evaluation 脑震荡发作. 他的便携和成本效益平衡误差计分系统 is now widely used by athletic trainers at colleges and secondary schools to diagnose 更快速准确地处理伤害.

Most recently, he has focused on the cumulative effects of repetitive, sub-threshold 大脑的影响. 利用嵌入在大学橄榄球头盔里的加速度计 young hockey players, he and colleagues are investigating the relationship between 头部撞击的大小和次数与脑震荡的临床症状. 把这个 research a step further, he is working directly with collegiate football players and coaches to identify dangerous hits in real time and to correct improper tackling techniques 与持续性脑震荡有关. 同时让临床医生,教练,家长参与进来 and athletes in recognizing the immediate and long-term effects of concussions, Guskiewicz is contributing significantly to state and federal policy discussions concerning development of more stringent return-to-play guidelines and head-gear investigations that will 提高各年龄段运动员的安全.

His groundbreaking work has led to numerous awards, including the prestigious MacArthur Fellowship, known as “the genius grant,” in 2011 for his innovative work on the diagnosis, 运动相关脑震荡的治疗和预防. 他和他的同事使用 该奖项旨在帮助提高高中十大彩票平台官网的安全性,并帮助美国提高十大彩票平台官网的安全性.S. 军事 identify and treat serious head injuries, leading to Time magazine naming him a “Game Changer, one of 18 innovators and problem-solvers inspiring change in America.”

Both the NFL and the NCAA used Guskiewicz’s research when each organization rewrote 它的脑震荡指南和建议.

His research has resulted in 23 funded-research grants, the publication of more than 90 journal articles and six textbook chapters related to concussions in sport. He was awarded a Fellowship in the American College of Sports Medicine in 2003, the National Academy of Kinesiology in 2006 and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association in 2008. In 2010, he was named to the NCAA’s Concussion Committee, the NFLPA’s Mackey-White 委员会和国家橄榄球联盟头颈脊柱委员会.

Guskiewicz is the Kenan Distinguished Professor of Exercise and Sport Science and co-director of the Matthew Gfeller Sport-Related Traumatic Brain Injury 研究 Center 也是退役运动员研究中心的主任. 他有任命 in the departments of orthopaedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation, the UNC Injury Prevention 研究 Center and the doctoral program in human movement science.

Guskiewicz earned a bachelor of science degree in athletic training from West Chester University, a master of science in exercise physiology/athletic training from the University of Pittsburgh and a doctorate in sports medicine from the University of 维吉尼亚州.



Guests are encouraged to access the campus by USA 南 Drive or Jaguar Boulevard.


班车服务的指示牌将标明特定的停车区域. 班车服务 从上午11点开始.m. 直到下午6点.m. 班车接送点将会在 这些停车场:

  • 大学公共
  • 伽玛宿舍
  • 人文建筑
  • 学生服务 Drive (Shuttle access will be toward Old Shell Road, south of the 健康、运动机能学和体育大楼入口.)
  • 计算机服务中心东边

Limited handicapped parking will be available in the 米切尔中心 parking lot for 学生,家人和朋友. 这个地段只能从老贝壳路进入, 位于米切尔中心南侧. 必须有适当的残疾人标签 在进入这个停车场的车辆上可见.

Graduating students should arrive well before the ceremony and park in the parking lot located behind the Mitchell College of Business on 学生服务 Drive. 导纳 to the Health, Kinesiology and Sport Building, where graduates line up for the event, 只对即将毕业的学生开放吗. 毕业生不应该带包、钱包 或者任何“携带”物品.




  • 汉娜·马德达克斯, who earned bachelor’s and master’s 度 from the 十大彩票网投平台, was drafted to the Vegas Thrill in the inaugural season of the new Pro Volleyball Federation. 她计划最终进入体育广播行业.


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