Internal Grants Awarded for Galapagos 研究


Seven 十大彩票网投平台 faculty have been awarded internal grants to travel to the Galapagos Islands to establish research projects. It’s part of a recent collaboration with the Galapagos Science Center, a joint effort with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the Universidad de San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador.

The Center was formed in 2009 with a goal of performing research that will promote the conservation of the islands’ fragile ecosystems, and also be beneficial to the local communities by working in partnership with island residents.

获奖的七位教员是博士. 肖恩·鲍尔斯博士. 艾莉森·罗伯逊博士. 罗恩贝克, 博士和. Brian Dzwonkowski, all from the department of 海洋科学; Dr. Kevin White from the department of civil, coastal and environmental engineering; 博士和. Alex Beebe和Dr. 史蒂芬·舒尔茨 地球科学系. The $3,000 travel grants will get researchers to the islands to establish collaborations and do preliminary work on their proposed projects. 主题包括可持续发展 water infrastructure and management practices to microclimates to fisheries management. This is only the first round of the travel grants, for research that required permitting 从公园管理处. More opportunities exist for collaborations in medical and 社会科学研究.

Located in the Pacific Ocean over 500 miles off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Islands are known for inspiring Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution during his scientific 在英国皇家海军贝格尔号上航行. Because of their geographic isolation, the islands have a large number of unique species and are a national park and marine reserve of Ecuador, as well as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


