

100名大机动黑人. 加里·库珀奖学金启动. data-lightbox =“特色”
大机动区100名黑人. 加里·库珀捐赠奖学金 will be awarded annually to a full-time freshman or sophomore student at the University who has completed at least 15 hours of coursework with at least a 3.0的绩点. 如图所示 左起:美国执行副校长兼教务长. Andi Kent; USA Associate 教务处副校长,杨志强博士. 安德鲁·格林,也是100名黑人男子的成员; 100 Black Men 总统, Juan Peasant; Mrs. Beverly Cooper; Major 创eral J. 加里 Cooper; USA 总统 Jo 邦纳; USA First Lady Janée 邦纳; USA Vice 总统 of 学生事务主任. Michael Mitchell; USA Vice 总统 of Development and 校友 《十大彩票平台官网》玛格丽特·沙利文.

The 十大彩票网投平台 has collaborated with the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile in establishing a new endowed scholarship honoring one of the city’s most prominent 公民,Maj. 创. J. 加里。库珀.

库珀说:“我为这个荣誉感到谦卑. “我的目标一直是提供机会 to young people through education, and I hope this scholarship will make a difference in the lives of students at the 十大彩票网投平台 for many years to come.”

设立奖学金的想法来自于 大学校长乔·邦纳说 in a conversation between him and members of the 100 Black Men. 该组织 wanted to honor Cooper, one of its longest serving members and a longtime friend of 邦纳.

 ”卢. 创. Cooper is an incredible man, and the work that he has done for this community, 阿拉巴马州和我们国家的关系怎么强调都不为过. 我们对此抱有希望 奖学金成为他遗产的一部分,”邦纳说. 

The 100 Black Men seeded the scholarship with $10,000, making it eligible for the Mitchell-Moulton奖学金 配套资金. 邦纳 and his wife, Janée, committed an additional $2,500.

A Mobile native, Cooper received a degree in finance in 1958 from the University of Notre Dame and was commissioned as second lieutenant in the Marine Corps. 之后,当 serving in Vietnam, he became the first Black officer in the Marine Corps to lead 一个步兵连投入战斗. 在越南服役期间,库珀获得了铜质勋章 Star, two Purple Hearts and three Vietnam Crosses of Gallantry. 他还获得了奖项 杰出服务奖章和功绩军团勋章.

In 1974, Cooper was elected to the Alabama House of Representatives and served until 1978 before serving as commissioner of the Alabama Department of Human Resources. His public service continued when in 1989, 总统 George H.W. 布什任命了他 担任空军部长助理. 1994年,比尔·克林顿总统任命 库珀驻牙买加大使. 库珀创立并赞助了希望拳击学院 in Mobile, equipping at-risk youth with life skills and encouraging academic achievement.

“The 100 is honored to be in partnership with the University in recognizing a great leader and a great man through the establishment of this endowment,” said Dr. 安德烈 Green, immediate past president of the 100 Black Men and associate vice president of 学术事务 在南. “We look forward to maximizing this opportunity to support as many students 尽可能.”

十大彩票网投平台副校长 学生事务 Dr. Mike Mitchell, who is also the immediate past vice president of the 100 Black Men of Greater Mobile, first learned about Cooper while going through boot camp in 1989年学习海军陆战队的历史.

“创eral Cooper's name and contributions to the Corps were etched in my memory that 新兵训练营的夏天. I had no idea that 20 years later I would return to Mobile and the Marine that I had learned about so many years earlier would be a member of 100名黑人男子分会,”米切尔说. “见到他是一个完整的循环 in person and to thank him for his leadership, representation and service.”

大机动区100名黑人. 加里·库珀捐赠奖学金 will be awarded annually to a full-time freshman or sophomore student at the University who has completed at least 15 hours of coursework with at least a 3.0的绩点. 

Preference will be given to students who participated in the Hope Boxing Academy, graduated from Mobile County Public Schools and are either serving or intend to serve 在军队的一个分支中,包括预备役.

You may contribute to the 100名大机动黑人. 加里。库珀 访问捐赠奖学金 http://www.givecampus.com/campaigns/23442/donations/newcooper.


