美国哀悼失去博士. 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼


Dr. 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼data-lightbox =“特色”
Dr. 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼 was a professor 他是美国医学院儿科教授, 他还担任了一年的代理主席. 他10月去世了。. 28, 2014.

Dr. 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼, emeritus professor in the department of pediatrics at the USA 医学院院长,10月27日去世. 28, 2014. 他享年87岁.

"Dr. 怀斯曼 was one of the early pioneers within the College of Medicine in developing the curriculum for our medical students and providing unique opportunities for training 在儿科,”博士说. 美国医学院院长塞缪尔·斯特拉达说.

他是阿拉巴马州莫比尔人., Dr. 怀斯曼毕业于墨菲高中,获得了 his undergraduate degree from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala. 他完成了 two years of medical school at Louisiana State University School of Medicine before earning his medical degree at Harvard Medical School in Cambridge, Mass., in 1952. Dr. 怀斯曼 completed his residency in pediatrics at Children’s Hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio, and an international rotary fellowship at Children’s Hospital at the University 位于瑞士的苏黎世.

从1967年到1972年. 怀斯曼 was director of the department of pediatrics and director 在莫比尔综合医院接受医学教育. 他还曾担任该公司的董事 美国医疗中心新生儿重症监护室. 从1972年到1993年,博士. 怀斯曼 was professor 他是美国医学院儿科教授, where he also served as 代理主席一年. 1994年被任命为名誉教授.

“Dr. 怀斯曼 was ahead of his time in envisioning a regional care network for the 在阿拉巴马州照顾危重婴儿。. David Gremse,教授兼主席 他是美国医学院儿科教授.

Dr. 格莱姆斯博士师从. 怀斯曼 when he was a medical student and resident physician 在美国. “He was a role model for all of us – he set very high standards for himself 还有那些和他一起工作的人. 他非常鼓舞人心,他让你想做你的 最好在新生儿重症监护病房照顾早产儿.”

Dr. 格莱姆斯博士说. 怀斯曼 had an impact on his decision to pursue academic medicine 还有小儿胃肠病学. “当时还没有儿科胃肠病学家 在莫比尔,”他说. “Dr. 怀斯曼说,社区将大大受益于 儿科胃肠病学家,我采纳了他的建议.”

在他的职业生涯中. 怀斯曼 served as chair of the Fetus and Newborn Committee, Alabama Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics; chair of the Perinatal Advisory Committee, State and Regional; chair of the Perinatal Social Marketing Committee, State of Alabama, Department of Public Health; chair of the Alabama State Governor’s Task Force on Infant Mortality; and chair of the Subcommittee of the State Medicaid Advisory Board and “健康的开始.”

Dr. 怀斯曼 has received numerous awards, including the American Academy of Pediatrics Award for Leadership as Chairman of the Perinatal Advisory Committee; the Alabama Perinatal Association Award for Outstanding Perinatal Services; the Alabama Hospital Association’s Distinguished Service Award; and Endowed Chair, department of pediatrics, 美国医学院. He was also named one of 50 outstanding faculty members by 美国教职员参议院.

Dr. 怀斯曼 received an honorable discharge in 1946 following his service in the U.S. 海军储备. In addition, he volunteered during a 2-month expedition with the Hospital Ship Hope in Brazil in 1973 and was a Project Hope Neonatal Consultant to Egypt in 1978.

The Hollis 怀斯曼 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit 在美国 Children’s and Women’s Hospital 以他的名字命名. 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼新生儿重症监护室是一级 III unit with the most advanced care for premature and critically ill newborns, and 该地区唯一的新生儿运输工具.

Each year, the 美国医学院 awards the 霍利斯J. 怀斯曼卓越奖 in Pediatrics to the medical graduate of USA who during the pediatric clerkship best 为博士. 怀斯曼的杰出品质.

Dr. 怀斯曼 was preceded in death by his wife, Janice “Teko” 怀斯曼. 她很出名 for her work in the library systems in Mobile and Fairhope, for her part in the founding of Keep Mobile Beautiful and for efforts to organize bike and walking trails in Baldwin 县.

Dr. 怀斯曼 is survived by six children – Holly Lee 怀斯曼, Merrell 怀斯曼, Valery 德兰尼博士. 卡罗尔·诺登,杰伊·怀斯曼和大卫·怀斯曼.

A memorial service will be held at Dauphin Way United Methodist Church on Friday, 10月. 2014年12月31日中午. 探视将在上午11点开始.m. 在联谊大厅 教堂.


