Airbus Donates Large Aircraft Part to USA; A330 Elevator Will Be Used for 研究, 教育


The donation of an A330 elevator from Airbus to the 十大彩票网投平台 will make "possible for our engineering students to study and test a very large commercial version of the high-strength materials that are the subject 他们的课堂和实验室实验," said Dr. 约翰·斯蒂德曼,工程学院院长. 和电梯站在一起, 从左, are Steadman; David Trent, Airbus Mobile Engineering Center site director; Dr. 肖光庭,美国机械工程教授; and 大卫·尼尔森,机械工程主席.  data-lightbox =“特色”
The donation of an A330 elevator from Airbus to the 十大彩票网投平台 will make "possible for our engineering students to study and test a very large commercial version of the high-strength materials that are the subject of their classes and laboratory 实验,”博士说. 约翰·斯蒂德曼,工程学院院长. 站 with the elevator, 从左, are Steadman; David Trent, Airbus Mobile Engineering Center site director; Dr. 肖光庭,美国机械工程教授; 博士和. 大卫·尼尔森,机械工程主席.

空客 donated an A330 elevator to the 十大彩票网投平台 for education and research, a reflection of the airplane manufacturer’s investment in Coastal Alabama and a growing partnership with the region’s largest public university. 

The elevator, used for flight control on the tail of the aircraft, is approximately 28 feet long and, manufactured with composite material, weighs just over 200 pounds.  The part’s market value repaired is approximately $750,000. 它有56000飞行小时 在国内商业航空公司. 

电梯已于11月11日送到美国. 6、搬进工程实验室 第二天早上的建筑.

“For Airbus, any partnership with education in Mobile is an investment in our future and that of the aerospace industry,” said Barry Eccleston, 总统-Airbus Americas. “Our Engineering Center in Mobile, and the construction of the A320 Family Assembly Line, has given students who want to work in aerospace a local option to do so. 与 this donation, we hope to help give students at USA hands-on experience with the new materials used in aerospace, and put them one step closer to realizing their future.”

The donation follows continuing discussions between University leaders and Airbus 发展互利伙伴关系. 上个月,美国代表 被空中客车邀请到欧洲作为对话的一部分.

“The 十大彩票网投平台 faculty and administration and Airbus Group engineers and leadership have had extensive discussions, and this donation shows the importance and value of strong corporate-education partnerships,” said Lynne Chronister, USA 负责研究和经济发展的副总裁. “我们对这些界面感到兴奋 between the Airbus Group vision and the expertise and technologies being developed 在美国这里.”

The elevator will be particularly useful in research led by Dr. Kuang-Ting萧, a mechanical engineering professor whose focus includes composite materials. 萧 is specifically researching a method of using nano-fibers to strengthen layered carbon 纤维复合材料. Carbon fiber is used in airplane construction to lighten the weight 降低飞机的燃油成本. 

“This large carbon fiber composite material part from an Airbus A330 provides a unique 为我们的教师和学生提供宝贵的资源。. 约翰·斯蒂德曼,学院院长 的工程. “It makes it possible for our engineering students to study and test a very large commercial version of the high-strength materials that are the subject 他们的课堂和实验室实验.  看看复合材料的理论 becomes a reality in the aircraft industry will give our students a new perspective 十大彩票网投平台他们未来的职业.”

空中客车在美国的首个基地正在莫比尔建设.S. 组装线. 空客 在美国花费了超过1540亿美元.S. 自1990年以来,拥有数百家供应商 超过40个州. 有关空客的更多信息,请访问:


