Dr. 迈克尔·威尔士将给查尔斯·M. 鲍夫讲座


Dr. Michael 威尔士数据lightbox='featured'
Dr. Michael 威尔士 will deliver a lecture titled “The Origins of Cystic Fibrosis Lung 疾病”11月. 2014年4月20日下午4点.m. 在医学大楼.

The 十大彩票网投平台 College of Medicine’s 查尔斯M. 鲍夫 2014捐赠 基础医学讲座将邀请Dr. 迈克尔·威尔士,霍华德·休斯 Investigator at the University of Iowa and a member of the National Academy of Sciences.

His lecture, titled “The Origins of Cystic Fibrosis Lung Disease,” will take place 11月. 2014年4月20日下午4点.m. 在医学大楼 auditorium on USA’s main 校园.

Dr. 威尔士也是罗伊J. Carver Biomedical 研究 Chair in Internal Medicine and Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, professor of neurosurgery, and director of the 爱荷华大学囊性纤维化研究中心. 此外,他还担任董事 of the University of Iowa Institute for Biomedical Discovery at the Roy J. 和露西尔 A. 爱荷华大学卡佛医学院.

Dr. 威尔士’s laboratory focuses on understanding the biology of cystic fibrosis, a 常见致死性遗传疾病. 囊性纤维化是由一种基因突变引起的 编码CFTR氯化物通道. Dr. 威尔士和他的同事们正在研究如何 CFTR chloride channel is regulated, how it forms a chloride pore in the cell membrane, 以及突变如何破坏它的功能. 他的实验室也专注于 cystic fibrosis lung disease, learning how the loss of CFTR causes bacterial airway 感染以及细菌如何与呼吸道相互作用. 此外,Dr。. 威尔士语和他的 colleagues are developing gene transfer methods to treat cystic fibrosis and other 遗传疾病.

Dr. 威尔士 earned his medical degree from the University of Iowa College of Medicine, 他在哪里完成了内科实习. 他负责临床和研究 fellowships in pulmonary disease at the University of California, San Francisco, and did postgraduate research in physiology and cell biology at the University of Texas, 休斯顿.

Dr. 威尔士 has served as president of the American Society for Clinical Investigation and president of the Association of American Physicians. 他收到了许多 奖项,包括多丽丝F. Tulcin囊性纤维化研究奖,Paul di Sant’Agnese Distinguished Scientific Achievement Award from the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Francis Blake Award from the Association of American Physicians, and the J. 伯恩斯 美国胸科学会颁发的安伯森奖.

了解更多十大彩票网投平台博士. 威尔士.

这次讲座是为了纪念史密斯博士而举行的. 查尔斯M. 鲍格曾两次担任哈佛商学院院长 the USA College of Medicine and as vice president for medical affairs. 他开始了他的 career at USA in 1973 as a charter member of the medical school faculty and as professor 生物化学主席. 1976年,博士. 鲍被任命为基础医学副院长 sciences and served as dean from 1987-1992 and from 1999-2000. 此外,Dr。. 鲍夫 was involved in the creation of the 美国健康 Services Foundation, the 南 Alabama Medical Sciences Foundation, PrimeHealth, and in the development of USA's biomedical 以他的名字命名的图书馆.


  • 弗兰克·马利博士.D., Senior 研究 Scientist, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and 研究,奥尔巴尼,N.Y.
  • 迈克尔一个. Marletta, Ph值.D., Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and John G. Searle Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Biological Chemistry, University of 密歇根
  • 斯坦利·科恩博士.D., Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, 1986, and Distinguished 范德比尔特大学生物化学教授
  • 盖尔·H. 卡塞尔,Ph值.D., Vice 总统, Scientific Affairs and Distinguished Lilly 研究 Scholar for Infectious Diseases, Eli Lilly and Company and Laboratories
  • 麦克斯维. 库珀,M.D., Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor of Medicine, Pediatrics, Microbiology and Pathology, University of Alabama College of 伯明翰医学院
  • 柯立文爵士,博士.D., Foreign Associate, National Academy of Sciences and Professor of Enzymology, Medical 研究 Council Protein Phosphorylation Unit, University of 苏格兰敦提


