

格兰特Enfinger, 谁拥有美国的市场营销学位, celebrates at Kansas Speed道路 在赢得2015年ARCA赛车系列赛冠军后.  data-lightbox =“特色”
格兰特Enfinger, 谁拥有美国的市场营销学位, celebrates at Kansas Speed道路 在赢得2015年ARCA赛车系列赛冠军后. 照片礼貌 GMS赛车有限责任公司.

Maintaining perspective can be tricky with the world whizzing past at nearly 200 mph, but 格兰特Enfinger contends teamwork and unflinching management skills help strike 适当的平衡.

“No, I'm definitely not where I thought I would be at this point,” 说 Enfinger, 30, who this fall became Alabama’s first ARCA Champion in the Automobile Racing Club 美国63年的历史.

“There have been times when I thought I would be further, and there are times when 我以为我根本不会参加比赛. 我一直在积极和消极的方面 of the racing roller coaster, and I try not to get too caught up in the highs or lows 因为你永远不知道接下来会发生什么. 这绝对是一个艰难的平衡. 我想要的 to continue climbing 梯子, but still appreciate what we are doing here and now,” 他说.

Enfinger, who earned his bachelor’s degree in marketing in 2007 from the University of 南 Alabama’s Mitchell College of Business, has spent nearly two-thirds of his 驾驶后的生活. 从11岁时的卡丁车开始,接着是传奇汽车 and two Alabama Pro Legends division state titles – and eventually six NASCAR Camping 在加入ARCA赛道之前参加过世界卡车系列赛. Enfinger最近宣布 他重返纳斯卡卡车系列赛.

The Fairhope native, who relocated recently to join North Carolina-based GMS Racing, 说 his father, a lifelong race fan, al道路s encouraged his passion and took him to 他在塔拉迪加的第一场比赛还是在上小学的时候.

“在那之后,我说服他给我买了一辆赛车. 然后是《十大彩票平台官网》 I was 15 or 16, and then we really started talking about taking it to the next level. There were a lot of late nights – staying up working on cars all the time – from that point on, and I guess I still haven’t grown out of that stage,” Enfinger 说 from North Carolina, where his fiancé, fellow USA alum Michelle Dupre, joined him recently. 婚礼定于明年1月举行.

Enfinger 说 his initial goal in joining the racing world was simply to make a living doing what he loves, but now after four years, he’s committed to continuing to “climb 梯子.”  

He 说 his marketing degree is serving him well because there’s “definitely a competitive 环境的商业方面”的赛车.

“When you break it down there’s really three sides to the racing business. 有 the performance aspect that I feel like we’ve had for a while now, and we’re able to show it off at the ARCA level and be able to contend for wins most of the time 我们出现了. 当然,还有速度方面的问题. 但对我来说,商业方面 is often more important than the other two because if you don’t have the business side down, you never get the chance to show off the performance,” 他说.

His marketing background also comes in handy when it comes to landing sponsors that, to date, have included national 部分ners Allegiant Travel and Alamo Rental Car alongside 当地赞助商- Triple K Construction, Baldwin Container Co.,伍尔特美国和 DSLD房屋.

“That’s a big 部分 of what we do, and that’s where the marketing degree and the Mitchell 商学院真的发挥了作用. 这一切中最困难的部分 is just getting the deal done, so you can worry about the performance aspect,” he 说.


美国: How would you describe the feeling of getting into the driver's seat of a race car?

Enfinger: “每次我坐进赛车,肯定都会有一股巨大的热潮. 重要的是 stay 100 percent focused all the time without letting emotions or fatigue get in the 道路. 我总是试着在脑海中设想任何可能的情况. 我总是把 a lot of focus on the initial start, and depending on the track we are at, how I should 管理轮胎.”

美国: If you could listen to music in your car while you were racing, what would be on 你的播放列表?

Enfinger: “There's no better music than 9000 RPM, but if I were to listen to something else 那一定是一个古老的,有鼻音的国家.”

美国: 你是如何从在赛道上驾驶过渡到日常驾驶的? 超速是最难的吗? 部分?

Enfinger: “When you go from some of these places where we are close to 200 mph and then get on the high道路 at 55 mph everything just feels like it's in slow motion. 有点 difficult adjusting back to the daily driving, but probably not as bad as you might 认为.”

美国: 你收养的北卡罗来纳和费尔霍普有什么不同? 你怀念阿拉巴马号吗 墨西哥湾沿岸?

Enfinger: 夏洛特号,N.C.面积很好. 离山很近真的很酷 有四季. 这是一个有很多事情可做的好地方,但墨西哥湾沿岸永远是 在家. My fiancé, Michelle Dupre, just moved up here, but we get back quite a bit 去见家人和朋友,去吃小龙虾.”

美国: 赛车是一个紧密结合的社区. 当你入会的时候有多难 don’t hail from an area viewed as a traditional training ground for the sport?

Enfinger: “大多数其他车手都来自赛车家庭,但我真的不是.  在任何地方 new can be difficult I guess, but it's definitely a team atmosphere, so you get close 和你的同事一起工作.”

美国: What is the single most important marketing skill gleaned from your University of 十大彩票网投平台的学位,以及你如何利用它来促进你的职业发展?

Enfinger: “管理. 充分利用我们现有的资源 它的. Whether it’s managing marketing, public relations, time, tires, on-track risks, 人员、设备、资金等. 这个行业竞争非常激烈,所以你不能 只要把某件事做好就行了. 你必须比其他40个人做得更好 你的竞争对手是. 赛车中有很多变数,很多都是由别人决定的 由于我们无法控制的环境.”


